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Kasia Krakowianka

USA - Midwest (boring in general but otherwise awesome location)

Kasia Krakowianka

USA - Midwest (boring in general but otherwise awesome location)
Reunion as First Sight chinese drama review
Reunion as First Sight
4 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
by Kasia Krakowianka
Jan 11, 2025
24 of 24 episódios vistos
No geral 7.5
História 9.0
Atuação/Elenco 8.5
Musical 8.5
Voltar a ver 7.5
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers

A lovely low budget romance with a great plot and great chemistry, and lot of kisses with OE

Nine Lives Reunion!!! Imagine an orphan raised and trained as an assassin by her godfather who now sets on revenge. In the process she is married off to her childhood friend whom she does not recognize but who still loves her and actually helps her realize the truth behind the events that left her parents dead. But, the villain seems a step ahead of the couple, so no matter how they try to fix the past and how many times they die and loop back to the time of their first encounter as adults - the fate just dishes up surprise after surprise including her killing the man who loves her, her not remembering him at all, her marrying another dude, him abandoning her to fix everything on his own, etc.! You will be amazed by the story and even if overall this is just a cute and simple romance with time loops and limited number of lives of the leads, you are in for a great development of feelings for the characters that are played rather well. This drama reminded me of Reset (and BTW Liu Zhi Li, ML, played support role in it!) but it delivers more sweet moments of getting close and reuniting of the two lovers all dosed in great kissing! Sure, there are some idiotic moments and shortcuts that do not aide anything, plus that open ending yikes! And the translation on IQIYI was rather bad or missing, but you will easily fill in the gaps and enjoy it. AND this is a gem if you are looking for great looking making out scenes, you will not be disappointed - just check out the ep 10. The lead actors have great chemistry and fit together very well. They both have some good performances under their belts at this point (Strange Princess and Echo of her Voice; Startling Love with amazing cross dressing! and even Moonlight Mystique) and I do hope will have more roles that utilize their fresh and natural acting. OST is appropriately placed and adds to the experience. The on-location feel lends itself to making it an 8/10 although open ending and the secondary romance dropped it for me to 7.5
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