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Golden Blood thai drama review
Golden Blood
0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Mar 9, 2022
8 of 8 episódios vistos
No geral 6.0
História 6.5
Atuação/Elenco 4.5
Musical 2.0
Voltar a ver 5.5

It's better than you'd think.

I do have to admit the cover image threw me off from this drama at the beginning. It was giving "editing is my passion!" meme vibes. That being said, after giving it a go, this wasn't nearly as bad as I thought It'd be.

Let's get the elephant in the room out of the way: Yes, this is definitely inspired by the *really good* Korean BL "Where Your Eyes Linger." However, am I mad about it? Hell to the no! And I'll talk about this in a bit.
Back to the point, the story was very well written for the mains and the mains only. I personally really liked it because it felt very complete from beginning to end (and because I love WYEL). We had so much plot about both characters there is literally no questions left to ask. That attention to detail is something that A LOT, and I mean WAY TOO MANY dramas of the BL genre fail to deliver today.
I do think it was a little cheeky and cringey at some points but, on the good side, it was well balanced. There was a bit of action, a bit of comedy, a bit of angst, a bit of drama, a bit of gay shit to clench the thirst, and a bit of cringe. I kinda wish the cringe was minimal, but once the main started singing I had to leave the room cuz I couldn't take it. Episode 7 is one of the most cringey yet hilarious shit Thailand has given me so far.
Everything else in the drama was definitely lacking on screen time to the point I wish it wasn't there. There was little to no room left to care about the friends and their relationship, and the mafia storyline was weak. They weren't well integrated, unfortunately.
Now, as a fan of WYEL, I have to say that this is what I needed. Honestly, WYEL was too damn short for a story that deserved more depth and Golden Blood became all the filler WYEL was missing. When I started looking at it from this perspective, I wished so badly the company behind WYEL could go back and create a full drama to give the story justice. Despite the fact Golden Blood had its faults, it is still superior due to how complete it is.

It is just as good as it is bad. I'm tired of repeating the same thing, but it's just that these Thai actors are all making the same mistakes over and over again.

Sky: It's satisfying to see how Gun has grown as an actor. The first time that I saw him was a couple years ago in "Love by Chance." His role there was... awkward, to say the least, but it has evolved into something a lot more natural. There were some parts in which he gave us way too much intensity, but I can live with it. At least it was watchable, you know.

Sun: I keep wondering if his "beard" was real or not. Either way I want him to eat my ass like it's his life source. This guy, Boat, was giving me everything my gay ass looks for in a man. Hard nipples, bitch. That is all. Okay, but he did a very good job for the most part. I kinda wish he had made his voice sound a little deeper, though.

~Editing, pacing, direction:
For something that doesn't seem to have a big budget, I think they did the best they could and it paid off a lot better than I was expecting. I once read a review that said the fighting scenes were bad but, honestly, they were the best fight scenes Thailand has given us within a BL. Except episode 7. Please let me forget the entirety of that episode.

Sis, this show has everything: Mafia, action packed lifestyles, college students acting like elementary schoolers, a beard that makes your asscheeks tingle when he's going down on it, that bitch with the chopped hair, unrequited love, past traumas, nurturing feelings, and more. I recommend it, SPECIALLY if you have seen WYEL.
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