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Person Who Gives Happiness
12 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Out 22, 2017
118 of 118 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 9.5
História 9.5
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 10
Voltar a ver 8.0
OH! MY! GOSH! What an amazing drama this was.
I started this drama this on a whim and boy, am I glad I did. Ever since I started watching this I couldn't stop; I found myself binge-watching. Spectacularly done. Now let's get into this review.

Warning: By no means is this drama full of fluff and such. If that's what you're looking for then find yourself elsewhere. If, however, you are willing to take up the challenge of not breaking your computer/phone/tablet screen due to your anger, then this is the drama for you. This drama is all about ENDURANCE. Yes, endurance. You'll definitely need that for this drama. There are points in this drama where it will be tested. Trust me.

First off, I don't think people should be intimidated by the amount of episodes. It's going to have you so hooked you won't even know how fast the episodes are passing.
There is something I learnt in school when giving critiques about something or someone - 'Sandwich Critiques. You start good, mention the bad in the middle and then end good. That way, overall, it'll sound good and make people feel like they did good. I think this could have also applied to this drama. Give us some good, some bad in the center and then some more good at the end. But No. This drama didn't want to. From the beginning it was throwing stones at ya! BAM! BAM! BAM! One thing after the other. It seemed as though that things were just not meant to go the right way and things just went from bad to worse to 'worse-er' (if you'll allow me :D).

Of course it couldn't be all bad. We had an amazing ball of sunshine: Im Ha-Yoon. What a cupcake. We also had our side couples who would give us some laughs before we went back to the battle feel.

This drama really was a beast in some ways. But be not afraid, there is a nice pot of gold awaiting you at the end of the rainbow :).  Satisfying!
P.S This drama will just make you fall head-over-heels for Gun-Woo. This man's devotion is no joke! *Faints* Perfectly perfect (too bad he only exists in a drama)

Honestly, I don't think they could have picked a better cast for this drama. This is my first time meeting Lee Yoon Ji and I must say, she made me fall in love with her acting. She did a great job portraying the character. And boy! Can this girl cry or what? Her crying came so naturally for her - it was amazing. I'm sure after she was finished with this drama she had no tears to cry for a year. HAHA! As for our handsome man Son Seung Won - handsome indeed. Another oppa to be added to my already larger-than-life list! He's relatively new to acting and he hasn't had any main roles before this drama, but I think he did pretty good. And this was a long ass drama so yeah, 'pretty good' in an understatement. Kim Mi-Kyung, this ajumma that's everywhere tsk. I love her. I've only ever know her as a good person, so seeing her acting this evil was a punch to the gut for me. BUT she was so amazing in her role. I respect her. GO! Kim Mi-Kyung! This was also my first time seeing Lee Ha Yul in action very handsome. Not my first time with Ha Yun Joo; very pretty. They just had to play the bad role though, didn't they... Nevertheless, very convincing.
Shout out to the supporting roles. Honestly, without them this drama would have been as cheerful as a graveyard, if you get what I'm saying. They provided lots of laughs and peace to soothe the aching hearts of not only the main characters but the audience as well.  

All in all, everyone did an amazing job. They made you feel all the suffering, anger and joy along with them.

Honestly, I don't know. Was there any music in this? Hmmm. There was?! Oh, my bad. I was a bit too indulged in the drama to notice it. Yes, that's how bad I was.

Other Notes
Honestly, I really wanted to see more of Myung-Sun and Gwang-Soo. They were my sunshine in this drama. Too funny. ALSO! HOW! How could they not show us Myung-Sun's daughter at the end?! WHY? Why did you do this to me. An interaction with Gwang-soo and his daughter was much need....for me at least. I was so looking forward to that. :(

Also I felt like there were a few loose ends in this drama. But nothing much to worry about. Overall, it was great! Now. On to my next drama. Bye~

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Em andamento 23/23
A Love So Beautiful
1 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Mai 2, 2018
23 of 23 episódios vistos
Em andamento 0
No geral 9.5
História 9.5
Acting/Cast 9.5
Musical 8.5
Voltar a ver 9.5
I remember I had passed this drama by quiet a few times. Reasons?
1. It was a school drama
2. That cover is so colourful
3. It was a school drama
Yes! I don't enjoy school dramas! But this has got to be an exception! I gave it a try and I did not regret it. Just one episode and I was hooked. Couldn't get enough.

The acting was good and the storyline was solid enough. Despite the main couples ups and downs that started to annoy me towards the end, it was all worth it. Once I was finished I was still craving more. Is there going to be a season 2? I surely do hope so!

Damn! Can I just say: Hu Yi Tian (???) is HOT! Not to mention how tall he is! Gosh, I'd probably feel like an ant standing next to him. He's a great specimen lol!
Shen Yue was way too adorable in playing her character. I can relate to her shortness

All the actors were great in this drama, and their all so young. Great potential. I'll be cheering for them all.

The music was catchy. I found myself humming along to them whenever they played - once I wasn't to submerged in the drama that is.

Overall, the drama was great and deserves the love it's getting.

With that said, I end my review here. I don't think I spoiled anything so. Go watch now, if you haven't. And if you did....then Watch it again hahaha

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Cachorro Louco
1 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Dez 8, 2017
16 of 16 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 9.0
História 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 9.5
Voltar a ver 7.0
Yes! Yes! Yes! I finally finished this what seemed to be a very long drama. I started this drama on a whim because, well, I liked the cover photo. Haha. Then I saw the actors. That gave me a boost to start watching it. But once it started, I found that I couldn't watch more than one episode a day. It seemed draggy. I'm not a newbie to revenge dramas, so this came as a surprise to me. Why did it seem so draggy. But once I hit episode 7 I was ready for my marathon!

The speed at which it took off was amazing. The planning, the backstabbing were all so sweet. I couldn't stop watching. From then until the end of the drama I was on the edge of my seat.

Mr. Choi was so bad ass, Pentium was my eye candy, Cheetah was always ready to make me laugh and Ms. Jang was just too pretty. Mad Dog team is so cool. Then in came Kim Min Joon. Gosh, he's such a looker. AMD the chemistry between him and Ms. Jang was hitting the roof. I loved it! If only there was more action between them. Oh well, nevertheless, very satisfying.

The acting was superb! I felt their pain when they cried and lost love ones. Damn. And other times they had me shouting at the screen. "Don't do that" "Send it quick" " Don't get caught" sigh. Draining. But this is what I look for in a drama. 

This drama might not be for everyone but I'd still recommend you give it a try. Definitely.

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Manual do Presidiário
1 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Jan 28, 2018
16 of 16 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 9.5
História 9.5
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 10
Voltar a ver 9.0
OK. To start, I must say I was iffy about this drama. I mean, how fun would a drama about prison going to be? I thought, "meh, this might be boring". But nevertheless, I clicked the play button on that first episode. Mostly because I was running low on dramas and it seemed to be having a lot of good reviews AND Jung Kyung Ho was here! So yeah...

Now, I blessed the day I started this. This drama proved me wrong so hard I fell in love with it. Haha. The stories, the acting....the bromance! Everything was just so good.
This drama had a solid enough plot to keep me going. And I found myself always craving the next episode.

The writer did a good job in making it a light enough drama by adding some comedy. Many times it had me laughing until tears were running. But then there were also parts where my heart was in my throat and I was at the edge of my seat. Especially when the main guy was in danger.

I had a complete soft spot for Looney. I found his story sweet, honestly. But it killed me a little bit inside what happened at the end. Captain Too was also calming a spot in my heart. Those bastards did him wrong! But the end of these two stories seemed a little incomplete and I wasn't that satisfied, sadly. Like what happened afterwards? I need details.

The acting was remarkable! A complete 10 for that! And the music too. My boy Eric Nam, as always, has a wonderful voice.

Overall guys, this drama is definitely worth the watch. You won't regret it.

I'm out "Mic Drop" ?

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Porque Esta é a Minha Primeira Vida
1 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Nov 28, 2017
16 of 16 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 9.0
História 9.5
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 8.0
Voltar a ver 8.5
What a lovely drama. Very thought provoking not forgetting it pulls at the heartstrings too. Definitely a MUST WATCH.  I found myself painstakingly going through each week waiting for the next episode, which was a killer. Aside from that, I also had to wait for subs! Why don't I know Korean? But nevertheless, I finally got to see the end and it was amazing.

What is marriage? That is the question - In this way, this drama makes you think. Honestly we all have our own view on marriage and what we think it's about but after watching this drama I do believe my view on it might have changed a little.
The story is beautiful, weird, but beautiful. The awkwardness of the main couple just added the right amount of spice to this drama and you couldn't help but ship them. No iceberg was gonna take this ship down. hahaha. Se Hee was awkward but so adorkable. Yes, adorkable. And Ji Ho. Gosh I loved her. Her personality would be everything I would look for in a girl...if I were a man. I loved SeHee and JiHo together and couldn't get enough of them.

The side couple also added their own flavor to the drama. With Won Seok and Ho Rang, I felt an air of seriousness. Their relationship was probably the most thought provoking one. I mean, who do you side with? One time I'm like she's being selfish and then I'm like he's being know what? They were both selfish. Yeah. But in a situation like that, what do you do? On the other hand, there is the other side couple that's always ready to make you laugh, Soo Ji and Sang Goo.Just loved them.

The acting was superb! This is my 'first time' with most of the actors in this drama and it was truly wonderful and the casting couldn't have been better. I've just found a lot of new favorites which means I've got drama/movie hunting to go do.

Don't know if this review will be helpful to anyone but I just had to have my say. I tried not to spoil anything. Overall, well done!

Now on to the next drama!

I'm out...

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