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Water Boyy The Series
1 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
de joo S2
Out 9, 2023
14 of 14 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 5.5
História 5.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Musical 6.0
Voltar a ver 1.0
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers

The truth about this bl series you need to know before you see this!!!

Hello!! Before everything i wanna tell you that i'm not that good at english so it can have gramatic errors and other wrong stuff! sorry 4 that
I saw many people telling that this series is really good, rating this sh*t with an 10 but bro i guess they don't know how to appreciate series or they just watch stuff (i remeber that i was like this) and never watched a good gmmtv series (not so hard to find).
I just watched it because my dream is watch all lgbtqia+ series by gmmtv and obv water boyy is one.
this series have many triggers like:
-a lesbian character dating with a man
-and many other really bad stuff..

so i was with faith about the relashion shipp between the lesbian character with a girl (pan and namkhaeng) and basically the all 12 episodes was everything okay, pan trying to have namkhaeng's heart and they do date in the series. BUT BRO.. WHY THEY PUT PAN WITH FAH IN THE 2 LAST EPISODES???? like nobody cares about fah feelings about pan because we know that pan is a lesbian woman (i guess she's no more) and like i though that hadn't chance but bro why does gmm made it! like ok they still could put the namkhaeng and pan's broke up in the series but they don't need to put her with a straight man.
I noticed that in this series they just care about man's feeling.. not about woman's feeling. The situation of fah they do care, the situation of fay they don't care because omg he's with broken heart BECAUSE HIS LESBIAN CRUSH ARE DATING DO THEY NEED TO PUT HIM DATING WITH HER but litteraly your boyfriend cheated on you and they don't do nothing!!! have so many bad stuff in this drama. IT HAD EVERYTHING TO BE REALLY GOOD. this drama is really confuse because like if you watch it you'll never understand what's happening. Is really easy get lost watching this drama.. i guess that if they put pan and namkhaeng and waii broke up with fay before he tell him feelings to apo and other many stuff like the rape thing and idk.. the series could be really good. was such boring watch it.. like sotus is from 2016 and is SO MUCH BETTER. i do like the kluay and achi romance but was too short! Apo and Waii are a good couple and Earth and New are really good actors but like the story didn't make it look good. if you watch like 1000 stars that's a f*cking prodution by gmm you'll see how good Earth is (or even moonlight chicken and cupid's last wish). well i'm not a fan of dark blue kiss but New was insane in dbk- wan and min's plot is good but min made shit and it was kinda slow..
but yeah i can't keep writing about it so i'll stop do it right now! watch it by yourself and tell me what do you think.
(i just put 1 star in rewatch value because mydramalist don't accept 0.. you need to put a number between 1 ans 10)

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