Just "Because"

Are you one of those people who insists on adding / voting for your favourite celeb, regardless of what the poll is about? Are you convinced that anyone who doesn't vote exactly the same way you do is wrong? Then THIS poll is for you!

No criteria, no justification, just vote for whoever you want, for whatever reasons you want. You can vote for up to a hundred people, though people who actually have a life will probably limit themselves to three or four. Feel free to leave any comments you want too (within MDL's ground rules of course) explaining why you're right and everyone else is wrong. After all, the more time you spend here, the less you'll have to mess up proper polls.

To give even the early voters something to disagree with , complain about, or respond to, I'm adding a few names and a couple of comments to start you off.

Stuffed Cat Ago 1, 2024
85 People Love 9 Voters Denunciar

Stuffed Cat's Lists

Someone's made a SIM of ...
950 people 7 loves 4 comments
Who's most SIMilar?
14 people 8 voters
ACTUAL Best Actor on MDL
37 people 3 loves 40 voters 15 comments
Flavour of a Lifetime
187 people 2 comments
