I literally was wailing like a child after this

This are the dramas i have watched that have left me uncontrollably sobbing on the floor due to how heartbroken i was. Slight warning, im a little dramatic and emotional so YOU may potentially not find it as sad as me but i needed to shut my laptop and leave my room as i could no longer read the subtitles through my tears after watching these shows.

beccafordd Jul 16, 2021
3 Titles Love
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  • Goblin

    1. Goblin

    Korean Drama - 2016, 16 episodes


    I was reasonably sad throughout the show knowing what was bound to happen to Kim Shin in the end but from episode thirteen onward i had to prepare myself to watch the show because i knew how sad it would make me though i do have to say the plot and acting is well worth the heartbreak

  • Amantes da Lua

    2. Amantes da Lua

    Korean Drama - 2016, 20 episodes


    I will never get over the emotional trauma this show gave me

  • Move to Heaven

    3. Move to Heaven

    Korean Drama - 2021, 10 episodes


    EVERY SINGLE EPISODE i was crying like a baby
