RST Reviews
0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Jul 27, 2023
40 of 40 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 8.5
História 8.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musical 9.0
Voltar a ver 8.5

The Determination to Beat the Odds

This series is very good. ML (Yang Yang) and FL (Wang Chu Ran) have good chemistry as well as good non-verbal communication. Both leads handle the challenges and the pace of the storyline. There were parts within the series that started to feel exaggerated, but it is understandable when trying to drive home the importance and dangers of the first responder fields as well as weaving a romantic storyline. The character of the FL's bother (Wei Da Xun) was well-played. He captured the controlled and lonely aspects of the role brilliantly. The OST was nice and the CGI and production to capture the various dangerous scenes were very good. Even though (Vin Zhang) role as the fire instructor was short it was heartfelt and memorable. The ML's cousin (Yang Chao Yue) was very dynamic in her character delivery and ebb and flow of emotions. She is one to watch. This story gives a good understanding of what determination both mentally and physically against all odds can render with love and integrity as your guiding light. Worth the Watch!

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0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Ago 6, 2023
40 of 40 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 8.0
História 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musical 6.0
Voltar a ver 6.0

Pretty nice after watching a serious drama.

An idol movie ^^
Yang Yang!! xD

His adolescent character showcases his best performance :)
Otherwise, Yang is often posing : the bright smile / the frown (fault of the director I say!).

Lovely actors from Yang's career are here:
> actor Wang Yan Lin really shines here as the 2nd trainer of the fire squad. He had a role in You are my glory although I did not remember him.
> zesty Hu Ke from You are my glory (similar character)
> attractive actor Vin Zhang who played a hacker in the unique Love 020

Very happy to enjoy Zhang Yue's acting again in a role suited for her expressive face. I discovered her in the passionate drama Love like the galaxy (she played the bold Qi Qi).

There are many loves in here.
Faces are mostly emotionless though : most characters are repressed.

I do not understand why the male lead is attracted to the female lead but hey, does it matter? Lucky woman!
An important information is not told to the female lead and that bugged me (many long episodes but no room for it?).

As in the drama You are my glory:
Yang Yang, the national actor, is serving propaganda for state institutions (hospital / fire squad).
Glorification is dangerous. No civil servant should be trusted blindly.
Unlike in real life, the men are better than the women in this series ^^
It is a bit too much. Pop culture enforces the lies of patriarchy, consumerism, business as usual, etc.
...No politics as usual. Shouldn't we close down the mines as well as training professionals to help out in case of hurricanes?

PS: I cannot get used to how table-white the female is made to look > my cultural bias.

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0 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Ago 1, 2023
40 of 40 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 9.5
História 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 10
Voltar a ver 8.0
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers
O roteiro, apesar de ser uma temática bastante conhecida e com elementos, muitas vezes, previsíveis, o roteirista não poupou emoção, mas, felizmente, não exagerou nas mortes dos personagens.
O drama teve um andamento agradável, não houve capítulos cansativos e nem correria na finalização, apesar da finalização não estar à altura do drama.
Os personagens são apaixonantes, exceto a mãe da protagonista, mas o roteirista amenizou e ofereceu uma redenção no último capítulo.
As atuações do elenco são primorosas. Os atores Yang Yang e Zhang Bin Bin, logo do início do drama, protagonizam cenas emocionantes e há uma cumplicidade em cena muito bonita. A morte do personagem Zhan Da Peng, após a cena do encontro com a médica Li Nan, era previsível, mas, mesmo assim, foi muito emocionante.
O romance não era ruim, mas demais cenas eram tão interessantes, que o romance se tornou um complemento do enredo.
A trilha sonora é agradável e bem utilizada para amplificar a emoção das cenas.

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Abandonados 20/40
Le Ho
8 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Jul 17, 2023
20 of 40 episódios vistos
Abandonados 0
No geral 4.0
História 4.0
Acting/Cast 5.0
Musical 2.0
Voltar a ver 2.0

Don't waste your time with this drama. Awful script and onscreen chemistry between YY and WCR,

YY has better onscreen chemistry with ZLS in WRTW and acted better in that drama. I rewatched that drama so many times I lost count. Whereas, his onscreen chemistry with Wang Churan sucks. I would not recommend you watch FWOMH with Yang Yang and Wang Churan. I was frustrated watching this drama because of his awful onscreen chemistry with WCR. I have already watched 20 episodes of this drama, and the pace is so slow, and the script is stupid. I don't like WCR's character in this drama, and YY isn't convincing as a fireman. I think William Chan is a better fireman in ADWTF.

Twenty episodes in, they are still not together and bickering, and her overbearing adoptive mother is a hateful woman and a bitch.
WCR's character is weak and annoying to me. She is a strong ER doctor who speaks up about her viewpoints with her superiors but is annoyed and timid when standing up for her relationship with YY's character.

Who at this stage still interferes with their children's love lives. It is unrealistic to have doctors co-exist and perform medical services with firemen. The drama forced their unions to the point that it was ridiculous and unrealistic in real life.

I am dropping this drama. I like YY, but he needs to pair up with a better actress to make him a better actor where he can stretch and grow. I think WCR had better onscreen chemistry with Peng Guan Ying in "Have a Crush on You." Her character in that drama is better; she acted better in that one than in FWOMH.

Let's hope that they will not be paired again in the future. I give it a 4.0 rating, so Don't waste your time with FWOMH.

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Abandonados 20/40
7 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Jul 13, 2023
20 of 40 episódios vistos
Abandonados 0
No geral 5.5
História 4.0
Acting/Cast 9.5
Musical 10
Voltar a ver 3.0

Unbearable FL

The way this drama is making me lose my patience. I really liked the first episodes of the drama, where we could clearly see the hurt that Song Yan felt and the courage that the fl displayed. I binge-watched the drama last night and it made me so stressed and annoyed by the development of the FL. I get the fact that she didn't have the courage to stand up against her mother when she was a teenager, but at least she could've explained the situation to him, instead of just leaving like that. But i'm going to let that slide because they were just kids, but now I can't stand her as a grown up.

She comes back and disturbs the life that Song Yan created for himself, and expected for him to let her root herself back into his life, knowing fully that the reasons for why she couldn't be with him still existed i.e her mother and brother. She yells at him and asks why he isn't fighting for her, when she hasn't yet to apologise for leaving like she did, and take fault in her actions (frankly i don't know why Song Yan felt sorry for her). When he gives her an ultimatum, she goes back to being the coward that she is, and doesn't chose him. She wants it all but doesn't realise that she wasn't able to have it back when she was young and she isn't going to have it now. All that she does is cry, cry and cry.

She blames everything on her family, and whines about not being able to be herself and with Song Yan. She wants to show herself as an independent woman, yet doesn't take any steps to show it. She has no boundaries set for herself towards her family and allows her family dictate every inch. Frankly, i'm accepting towards the trauma that she has towards her mother that doesn't allow to stand up to her but her brother?? she is going to let him talk about SY like that and not say anything against it??? She keep saying stay out of my business, yet runs back to them despite the disrespect that they have shown towards her decisions and SY. This girl annoys me to the core.

SY deserves more, and I hate dramas that create the lousiest character as lead and have them end up with the other lead when in reality, they would've chosen a much more better person.

And I hate the lack of development of their relationship, i'm going to give the benefit of the doubt because we are half way towards the show, but I feel like the writers haven't given them a reason to choose each other in the present, much of their relationship relays on their past. The writers keep using their work lives to get them in scenes together, like she magically happens to be at the accident that he is working at, or the whole "task force" thingy which was so unbearable to watch. I don't like dramas that use these kind of plots to further the characters relationship. Like okay, so they work well together, that's good for a firefighter and a doctor, but what about them out of it??

Frankly, i don't even like her as a doctor, she is weird with the way she acts towards her collegues, and what does "i don't lose the job" mean as a motivation for being a doctor? (I honestly fast-forward every scene of her being a doctor, which doesn't leave me much of her scenes, which also shows how much this show relays on their titles)

I feel like for me to want them together, i need to see them outside of their work, having a real dinner, or a talk. I need to see her own up to her mistakes and apologise, and i need SY to hold her accountable.

I'm going to quit watching it for a while and watch it when it has finished, just so i don't waste my time anymore.

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Em andamento 21/40
2 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Jul 14, 2023
21 of 40 episódios vistos
Em andamento 0
No geral 8.0
História 7.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Musical 7.0
Voltar a ver 7.5

Slow Burn Drama

I started watching this drama only because of Yang Yang. The drama is a slow burn, starts gradually. The story is both hit and miss for me, so some time I skip/forward certain portions.

I best part of the story is the characters look more real, like they show real reactions, emotions and show vulnerability like real people do. Secondly, each character matures/grows over the period of time.

The FL’s mother and brother are the typical Chinese drama family , that’s why it’s really boring.

We reached the middle of the episodes so now they should decide to let together ML-FL because now it’s stretching too much.
Overall it’s good drama. I don’t rewatch it.

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Abandonados 16/40
A journey to Zhao Lusi a
10 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Jul 12, 2023
16 of 40 episódios vistos
Abandonados 0
No geral 5.0
História 7.5
Acting/Cast 7.5
Musical 5.5
Voltar a ver 1.5

The FL is not good and have no character development

The relationship doesn’t develop at a good pace. The fl is stuck in the past. Not even willing to move on and give some space to ML. I think it would have been better if the story has developed differently. Yang Yang is good, however I do not like the FL, instead of moving forward she is stuck in the past and does not have the courage to face all her mother and brother issues. Mom is the worst. If the FL wanted to know the current self of male lead why did she not started at that from the beginning, instead of begging the ML to take her back instead of apologizing to the ML of what she did to him. No communication between FL and ML at all.

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Em andamento 34/40
chen xioxi
1 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Nov 1, 2023
34 of 40 episódios vistos
Em andamento 0
No geral 5.0
História 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musical 6.0
Voltar a ver 1.5


- This drama is a wholesome drama if we take out the character Xu Qin (or) Meng Qin. She is overacting, no acting sense, pulling down Song Yan's performance and the entire team's performance.
- All the support actors and Yang Yang(Song Yan) did an awesome job and the entire team are a group of stunning professionals.
- This drama is not worth(Just because of Xu Qin or Meng Qin) of a rating of 8.2 because it becomes boring and lagging after some time.
- Love : Doesn't feel like it at all (or) the girl makes it worse.
- Firefighters: Salute to the actors and also real firefighters in the entire world

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EivaLice Cruz
1 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Jul 28, 2023
40 of 40 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 10
História 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 10
Voltar a ver 10

With 40 episodes STILL CAN'T GET ENOUGH!!

Wow this must be my top drama for 2023, i can't get enough of them even if it just ended i need more MOOORREE!!

On a serious note, this is not your average drama because it deals issues and conflicts that can happen in real life. I'm not saying other dramas didn't but nowadays its mostly fantasies. Here you can be amazed on how they portray firefighters and medical personnel well. I love how they rescue, respond to events, disasters and the action inside the operating room or ER.

The production quality of this drama is top notch in my opinion and i'm glad it acts like a homage or appreciation drama to people in the medical field and Defense Force (Army, Firefighters, Police) in what they do for their country and people lots of lesson to learn here.

Not to mention the casting and acting was perfect all throughout, i didn't get bored or even have the slightest thought of dropping this because i am so hooked. Lot of here saying that they got bored because it took a long while before they reconcile but this in between love relationships really do happen and it is more relatable at least for me.

All in all i love all the cast especially Wang ChuRan and Yangyang they looked perfect, amazing, awesome together and their style of romance, when they locked eyes with each other whew just beautiful and breathtaking. 10/10 FOMH will have a special place in my heart forever!!

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1 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Ago 8, 2023
40 of 40 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 10
História 10
Acting/Cast 10
Musical 9.0
Voltar a ver 10
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers

How Fireworks Of My Heart worth our time?

A story of a doctor and a fireman is like a combination of passion, braveness, and responsibility. Watching this drama made me realize a lot of things such as there are no easy way for everything. There are insignificant things but it holds greater value for others.

I want to praise everyone behind this successful drama series from the director, script writer, editing team down to every staff who spent great effort in this success. Lastly, I want to commend the casts who make this drama remarkable.

Of course, Yang Yang and Wang Churan as main role, it is not a surprised that they were able to portray and give life to their role in highest extent.

What I am most fascinated about is the hardwork and satisfying demonstration of the support roles.

Wei Daxun, I never think of him as serious and emotionless guy because I see him as funny one. I was very amazed by how he managed to act as something opposite to his character in real life.

The firemen, they never failed to make heart flutter in different emotions especially when they had a training and mission. They never failed to make me laugh and cry at the same time.

This drama is indeed worth to watch.

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Jae Jin
1 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Dez 23, 2023
40 of 40 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 9.5
História 9.5
Acting/Cast 9.5
Musical 10
Voltar a ver 9.5
Esta resenha pode conter spoilers

Drama is GOATED, but it still has it's flaws

This was trending all over my feed when this came out and i put it off from watching it and riding the hype train, since i still have a lot of shit to watch, so this is just something to keep as a treat because i know this is probably good and i know I'll probably love it and i must say... this will probably be my 2nd fave cdrama series next to Lighter & Princess.

The drama is about the love story of a Fire Fighter, like okay i can get behind that occupation since i fancied that job when i was a toddler, and a Doctor literally the occupation that i mostly stay away from in dramas, like the medical aspect, but hey let's not judge the book by it's cover. Before this, i was watching 'The Longest Promise' and Wang Churan is in there and she's great, at first i didn't like her mainly because of her character, but later on i actually got invested in her and started to like her as an actress, so i promised myself to watch this show after cuz i wanna see this girl in other dramas.

The pacing in the first 5 episodes or so is fast like really fast because in every episode there's plot convenience for ML and FL in order for them to meet each other, i was planning to watch Episode 1 only as i was about to sleep and would plan to continue watching it the next day, but i ended up watching up until episode 4 xD. You can tell i was really hooked right away in the beginning because, even though the beginning is fast paced, i don't think that necessarily was a bad thing, because i think it was done to get your heart fluttering right away for this Couple, no bullshit here's the mains that your gonna follow, now get invested, unlike in some cdramas where the first 10-20 episodes literally half of the show is a very slow burn build up and you're just sitting there waiting when the show will start to tickle your heart and by the time it gets good there's a big chance that you've mostly fallen off because of boredom.

Then 6-20 ish or so the story started slowing down and took its time to flesh out the story, side characters, the fire fighting and medical aspect, and building up the family drama and i wouldn't say that part is where you'll get bored as it was done really really well because it's like you're playing a tug of war, they would pull you in these side plots and maybe every, now and then they would let go and show some interactions between ML and FL, like "Hey, we didn't forget that this is a love story about this two. This shit that we are building up is for the bigger picture of this whole story".

20-25 is where you'll get the payoff that you've been waiting and 26-38 is where our couple with face the problems of them being together, the family drama i would say. Now, the family drama was done really tasteful here, like this is one of the best examples of how to do a family drama without necessarily making the parents be very hateable characters and a good family drama on top of that too, i was surprised like when i got near the end i realized i actually did not bear any hatred for FL's Mom and Dad, well the dad is mostly passive in this show, but yeah, i didn't really have any hatred for the parents because they've explained their side to make you understand, why they would do these things, even though its wrong for them to do it, they care for FL so much that they would go for such lengths for her, but as good as the family drama is, i noticed they didn't really show how powerful her family's influence really are, like how deep does it go? They did show it, but i think that was just a taste of how deep the connections her family got. Then the last 2 episodes tie everything all together into a nice bow.

After watching this, i can see why some of the comments said this was unnecessarily long because if you look at the number of episodes they've actually hit the max episodes rule placed by the law and if you look at the whole show, the stories in it aren't well balanced. I think they were too focused on highlighting both the Fire Fighting and Medical aspect of this show, like what it's like to be in that occupation, the struggles and stakes that you'll encounter, that is good, i didn't mind it, but when i finished the show i'm like "Yep... okay... wait it ended? now i'm sad" because we didn't even get the wedding scene that they've been building up, nor a scene where ML shows up on FL's Family dinner which he has been saying for half of the show and maybe even a time skip scene where they have a child and they're finally a happy family. It was really funny because they still managed to shoehorn a typhoon part very late in the show and because of that we didn't get the wedding scene that we'd been expecting and I noticed the lacking of backstory in this drama, the way they do back story here, they would just show tidbits of it when a situation is can't be explained enough with just words, that's where they would insert a backstory and it's scattered throughout the series.

Let's talk about the side plots... some of the side firefighters got their own side plot around the middle and i was like "Okay?" that was really unnecessary and necessary at the same time because it actually had some effect later on in the story and poor Zhan Dapeng, i was wondering why he suddenly got his own character arc very late in the game, without knowing they'll actually kill him off the next episode. Yanchen and Yezi's side plot was so obvious from the start, i could see it from a mile away from the way yezi is being highlighted every time there's a bar scene and that side plot was really good because both of them got the character development they needed. Zhao Miao, i was wondering when she'll get her big moment aside from being an annoyance to her brother and sticking her nose in other's business, even tho she's ML's sister she's really passive throughout the show, later on, her side plot made a big 180 to Yanchen and his side plot with Yezi, which rippled through the Family drama and I was like "Wow.... I'm amazed". I was wondering if Xiao Yixiao and Jiang Yu would be the only side characters that would be left alone, but good thing they also got a good endgame later in the story.

The characters, i think all of them are good. I like Suo Jon a lot in the beginning, as he is ML's closest friend they really bounce off each other really well and their chemistry is off the charts whenever both are on screen, too bad he was taken out early in the story. I don't know why but Song yan or his actor Yang yang he's so goated here, but I noticed one thing that he does in this drama like every time he's given water or something to drink, expect it by the end of the scene he would almost finish it or if not drank it all up and the way he drinks has vibes as well, i don't think i've noticed that of him in 'The King's Avatar' i don't know, that is the only other show i've watched from Yang yang, but i just noticed that here and i find it really funny. Xu Qin too has that quirk where she would scratch her fingers or external objects and it really shows what she really is deep inside every time they would highlight it and every time she would meet her family members her spirit would immediately bend, which goes to show her persona towards them, in her family's eyes she is their little baby that they really have to protect and control, i also noticed her actress Wang Churan, her acting in here is somewhat lacking for me, every time she has a serious scene with Yang yang she can't match his energy emotionally, every time both of them are together on screen Yang-Yang's presence would dominate, i wouldn't say she's doing a bad job, it's good but i felt like it could've been better and the line delivery as well and can i just take a moment to appreciate for how pretty she is?? My god!! and she looks like Sullyoon from NMIXX at times as well, like i got a glimpse of if ever Sullyoon becomes an actress in the future. ML's parents or i must say, Aunt and Uncle, in most dramas the parents of either ML or FL are just there to be funny quirky, and maybe be an actual parents at times, but here they are actually good as Parents they're not just there passively to be funny, they are actually goated at giving the words that our couple needed.

And speaking of words, one of the things that i like in this drama is the usage of talking. the way they resolve problems with each of the characters here is through words, rarely you would see them using action to resolve a problem and i really like that about this drama.

The music in this drama, ooooohhhh.... my god! 10/10 Top tier, i think that's one of the things that sold me on this drama in the beginning because it's such an eargasm, especially that piano-violin combo plus a singer that's harmonizing in the background, ugh!!! I wanna find that ost, I think that's my favorite in this drama.

So yeah, although this drama is goated, it still has its flaws, but i highly HIGHLY recommend it, i noticed this is the 3rd drama that I've watched where it has that intro logo in the beginning and all of them really pop off another minor thing that i noticed.

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1 pessoas acharam esta resenha útil
Jul 30, 2023
40 of 40 episódios vistos
Completados 0
No geral 9.5
História 9.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Musical 9.5
Voltar a ver 10

Song Yan's Rescue Scene is the Best

I really loved the rescue scenes in this drama, where Song Yan showed his determination to rescue as many people as he could. For him, lives does matter. This drama also told so many ups and downs being a doctor and firefighter, which I appreciated a lot.

When I watched the last episode, I suddenly teared up. I thought of a sentence, "In the end, the darkness will gone, and the sun will rise." Yan City after the storm, how the people, together, built their city again showed how we could pass all the difficulties, and in the end, everything would gonna be alright. This scene also showed the humanity, when even some not really likeable character can help the others.

Despite the very low rating on Douban (only 3.3) and so many controversies during its airing time, for me this drama is definitely a good watch.

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Fogos de artifício do meu coração (2023) poster



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