I dropped it for this reason, which is disappointing since like I said I could picture this drama being so much better than it is, and there were some things I liked about it, especially the second couple and Ki Jung's chemistry with her co-worker.
IMO this writer is the most unique writer in kdramaland. I did like Another Miss Oh so I think with Liberation Notes she is trying to create another My Mister, which I know a lot of people loved but I couldn't get into either. These are two very introspective works which I can appreciate, but she needs to focus on plot and character development with this one. IMO a drama shouldn't be all introspection and philosophy, especially a romance.
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I just can´t let go
I can´t get this series out of my head after finishing it a few days ago!Short version: I started the series for the plot that was given but stayed for seeing the romantic development between Yeom Mi Jung and Mr. Gu.
Longer version: It is not something I am proud of to say but I had no interest in the other characters and relationships that were portrayed. Maybe because I was overwhelmed with the quantity of main roles therefore struggles and I am more interested in "minimalistic" heavy plots? It is something I could have expected after reading the plot summary, still I was surprised about the depressive atmosphere I felt watching the three siblings struggling.
The relationship between Mr. Gu and Yeom Mi Jung was so interesting for me and it was a lot to take in. In the first few episodes I was so confused and could not grasp what was going on between them especially with him. I was scared of him at first! :D
The acting and the charisma of Yeom Mi Jung/Kim Ji Won and Mr. Gu/Yon Suk Ku and the (non-)verbal dialogs were phenomenal. I could relate to Mi Jungs thoughts a lot and felt seen and heard a few times. I would LOVE a series with the two actors again, maybe even with those characters. Definitely gonna watch all upcoming series by the screenwriter Park Hae Youn!
PS: Maybe I need to give the series a second try but for now I state by this rating.
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Started of strong but went down hill
The first half was engaging and calming even though extremely slow, you might have to push yourself to complete the series.The second half is quiet disappointing for me tbh specially the ending it felt like they themself don't know what they should conclude so just left it like that.....Personally I loved the actors as they have done a phenomenal job even the bgm is soothing....But I don't know what to feel as after competing it
I will not watch it again for sure...Give it a try if you want to feel the silence..Lol
I wish they had done a better job with the ending it truly disappointed me
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This drama made me look at happiness in a whole way. I loved each siblings unique perspective on their situation and how they interated with the people around them. Figuring out Mr Gu was quite fun (it helps that he has this mysterious sexiness).It's interesting to think about how much we fake or hide our emotions. We all need to be liberated from something, but we might be to scared to admit it.
The romantic in me is a little dissatisfied with the ending. My wish or interpretation might be completely off. I like a solid or blunt ending.
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Good Enough
Korean Drama " My Liberation Notes " is a slice of life melodrama.My main problem with it is the pace. It felt off and the presentation of the story didn't suit well for me, as it was not cohesive.
Other than that, the story is pretty intense, with tragic characters, meaningful moments, simple, and yet, powerful scenes.
The romance, moreover, was original and didn't overshadow the main point of the drama. Rather, it let the characters shine and live their burdersome lives.
The performances, finally, were all great by everyone in the cast.
So, overall, seven out of ten.
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Boring plot yet charming to watch
What an odd series. It was as mundane as can be. I remember when I was watching the first episode and every scene felt so uneventful I was waiting when is something going to happen? And nothing really did. Yet, I wanted to watch more.It's a story about a family, the parents and three adult siblings living together in the countryside and a new, kinda mysterous drunk neighbor. All of them feel like they are stuck in their life in a way, stuck in a routine or in an addiction or being a very shallow person. And all of them want some sort of change, but honestly? They feel just about the same at the end like the beginning, maybe taking a tiny half step forward throughout the whole time.
I suppose what I liked about it, is the relatability? Trying to fight the mundane everydays, trying to maintain a relationship, survive in a bad workplace, living in a toxic family, etc. Things that so many of average watchers can get behind, yet again, nothing seems to change really by the end. Is that sad? I don't know, it just feels I guess average, realistic. Bittersweet in a way, like what were we really expecting?
What I didn't like though that there was no one trying to stop the alcoholic guy from drinking... pff they actually bought alcohol for him as gifts and such. Like tf? It's something that can actually kill you, no kidding, even if you don't preach against it at least there is no need to support a bad behaviour.
Anyway, even though this whole series sounds kinda boring, it has such a unique charm to it that drew me in, it's interesting. I'd definitely recommend it to young adults.
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High quality, heavy load
Has this drama high quality? Absolutely yes.Was acting good? Perfectly. I can give 100 out of 10 to everyone (idk why but maybe except Lee Min Ki)
Was the story interesting and unusual? YES!
Were the dialogues meaningful and thought-provoking? Definitely.
Did I enjoy watching this drama? No. A big no.
Did I finish it no matter what? Yes.
It was a heavy load on my shoulders which I am still feeling. Wasnt enjoyable for me at all except few scenes. Why? Cuz it was so relatable for me. Relatable much as giving pain to me. Some fears mentioned were my own fears that I am afraid to mention. Some frustrations were my own frustrations that I can't find any way out. Some weariness was my own weariness that I am struggling with for many years. This drama didn't do any good to me. At the beginning of the drama, we were all sad. All characters and me. And at the end, at least some of them are happy compared to the beginning, I am still sad. Nor their sadness neither their happiness made me happy.
I can see that why many people like this drama that much. It is in a different league compared to most of the dramas. But I prefer dramas with lower quality and higher pleasing level.
According to me who can enjoy this drama most? Adults who are satisfied with their lifes. They might have problems in their past, but now they should be happy about their life in general. I think for younger people like teenagers, it can be a boring drama with 'pessimistic adults', it can be seen as "unrealistically plaintive" even if it is totally real. And I think for the adults like me, adults who have big problems, who have big disappointments, who have to deal with things that they've never thought they are gonna deal with before, this drama is heavy load. I am happy to finish this drama finally. I would never start it at the beginning if i've known it is something like this.
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Coup de cœur pour ce voyage initiatique rare
J'irai à l'essentiel sur cette critique, les précédentes déjà publiées sont excellentes. Cependant, je ne pouvais pas ignorer ce drama.Cela fait deux coups de cœur à la suite. "Run On" et maintenant "My Liberation Notes". Deux dramas qui, sur le papier, ne semblent rien avoir en commun, et pourtant. C'est l'histoire d'une vie (ou plusieurs) qui est à un moment de son existence où les choses bougent et changent. Ce point, ils l'ont en commun, quant au reste...
"My Liberation Notes" est volontairement lent. Sa lenteur vient accentuer le quotidien morose des personnages et de leurs situations. Que ce soit par le fait de prendre le bus et le train matin et soir, ou de répéter les mêmes gestes au travail. Cette répétitivité nous immerge plus en profondeur dans leur quotidien. On se sent, au fil des épisodes, appartenir à cette famille et on s'attache profondément à eux. On sourit, on rit et on pleure.
Tout au long du drama, on voit une analyse personnelle et une introspection qui demande du temps, mais est nécessaire pour l'avancement dans leurs vies respectives. A aucun moment la série n'apporte un jugement sur tels ou tels choix. C'est intime, réel et franc. On ne facilite pas la vie des personnages, au contraire ! Ce n'est pas le but.
D'ailleurs, chacun affronte ses démons à sa manière. Mais cela n'est jamais abordé comme un problème, en revanche, on ressent cet étouffement de la part des autres. C'était comme si nous devions vivre "cette" vie. Parce qu'elle est acceptable et parce qu'il s'agit de la "bonne" chose à faire.
Le casting était écrasant de puissance. La réalisation était magnifique, tout comme les prises de vues. Pour être née et avoir grandi à la campagne, j'ai aimé cette plongée et cette alternance entre Sanpo et Seoul. La vie traditionnelle qui se confronte à la vie moderne.
Cependant, tout le monde n'appréciera pas. Certains pourront reprocher un manque d'action ou une absence scénaristique, pourtant, son réalisme en fait un drama aussi unique que "Run On" à mes yeux.
En bref, c'est un drama franc et honnête. Un aperçu de la vie réelle sans superficialité. Une quête de liberté comme peu d’autres.
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Les prisons intérieures sont les pires...
J’ai beaucoup aimé, comme le plus souvent ce que j’appelle (avec humour !) les dramas dépressifs, mon étalon de mesure étant l’excellentissime « My mister ».My liberation notes souffre un peu, à mes yeux, d’une difficulté de départ à mettre les choses en place, particulièrement concernant la fille aînée dont j’ai eu un peu de mal à comprendre les motivations ! Il est clair que leur vie, à chacun des trois, ne leur convient pas, et qu’ils cherchent chacun à leur façon comment se sortir de ce marasme qui est plus dans leur tête que dans la réalité quotidienne. Il va se passer quelques évènements qui vont cristalliser ce désir de se libérer de ces chaînes invisibles !
L’obstination de l’entreprise où travaille Yom Mi Jong, à vouloir lui faire intégrer un club, matérialise ce pouvoir extérieur écrasant ! La rencontre des deux seuls autres personnes dans son cas sera le départ d’une démarche de libération ! En passant, si les entreprises coréennes sont réellement comme ça, obligeant leurs employés à pratiquer un hobby en dehors du travail, mais dans le cadre de clubs gérés par l’entreprise, c’est tout simplement horrible ! Et ce qui l’est plus encore c’est que tout le monde l’accepte comme la normalité, tout le monde, non… sauf trois irréductibles !
Le fil rouge de l’histoire est la relation qui va s’instaurer entre M.Gu et Mi Jeong, relation très différente des romances dramaesques habituelles, et au travers de laquelle on va découvrir qui est réellement cet homme mystérieux !
Comme toujours on entrevoit le rôle de la famille, des parents, ou des fratries, souvent tyranniques, mais parfois aussi généreuses et ouvertes (la mère de la famille Yeom…) Le caractère original de la sœur aînée donne lieu à des situations à la fois cocasses et touchantes par leur maladresse… Le fils, son ambition est d’avoir une voiture, et sa joie délirante quand on lui en prête une, luxueuse, et encore une fois très drôle et aussi émouvante !
Il faut se laisser prendre par l’ambiance, l’atmosphère du drama, à la fois banale et très spéciale par les personnages très intelligemment écrits qui, dans des situations triviales ont des réactions personnelles particulières et fortes.
Le drama est soutenu donc par son écriture, sa réalisation classique mais intelligente et précise, mais surtout par un casting génial !
J’ai adoré voir Lee Min Ki oublier le héros romantique pour un très beau personnage à contre-emploi, dans lequel il donne toute la mesure de son grand talent ! Celui qui soutient aussi tout le drama, c’est sans conteste Son Suk Ku (M.Gu) qui joue magnifiquement de son mystère et de l’ambiguïté de ce héros souvent négatif, mais fascinant, et dont l’impact sur chacun sera déterminant !
Kim Ji Won lui donne parfaitement la réplique et sait, elle aussi, nous faire ressentir ses doutes, ses interrogations et sa recherche d’une liberté intérieure.
Le reste la distribution est à l’avenant : Lee El, la sœur aînée dont parfois on se dit qu’elle est un peu fêlée, le père, Cheon Ho Jin, qui ne dit pas plus de 10 phrases mais dont la présence soutenue par sa longue expérience est puissante, les amis du fils, les collègues de travail, et particulièrement Li Ki Woo, que je n’avais croisé que dans des personnages fort antipathiques, incarne ici un père veuf aux prises avec une ado en pleine période de puberté avec beaucoup de délicatesse et de finesse.
Je ne peux pas dire grand chose de l’OST, ce qui signifie que pour moi elle est parfaite du moment que je ne m’en souviens pas !
La fin ? Ouverte et sans une once de guimauve ou de fleur bleue, il n’y a ni résilience miraculeuse ni rédemption mélodramatique, mais la sensation que tous ont enfin trouvé leur place !
Je conseille fortement ce drama, à ranger dans la catégorie des « Misaeng », « My mister », « the third charm » ou « Reply 88 » !
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Must watch drama
There are things in this drama that could have been different but I still give it a 10. It is a drama that really touched my heart and I could relate to the main character, it is a beautiful drama.To be honest the first episode bored me but I'm glad I gave it a second chance, the plot is simple but I couldn't stop watching it.
The last episodes were very sad but I liked how the characters dealt with it. I'm really going to miss this drama. In the future I am sure that I will see it again, now it has a deep meaning for me.
Obviously there were things that I didn't like like, for example, that Gu didn't overcome his alcoholism problem, I would really have liked his character to change like the others.
I really have to say its not a drama for everyone.
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Missing my Worship couple and Yeom Siblings <3
I will not pretend I'm happy.I will not pretend to be unhappy.
I will be honest.
I hoped every man who ever left me would be unhappy.
As if I wanted all the people who saw how small I was to disappear from this world, I hoped they die.
For you, I'm going to hope that you never even catch cold.
I'm going to hope that you don't suffer a single day of being hungover.
- Mi Jung to Mr. Gu
I love, love this drama! When I saw the trailer and found out that Lee Min Ki, Kim Ji Won and Lee El will be there, I was excited. So I was bidding my time to watch it, as I want to binge watch it or have it at 14 episodes, but then Gong Yoo recommended it and it added to more excitement. So I decided to watch it and there's no return. I discover this wonderful and amazing actor: Son Sukku and his amazing interpretation of Mr. Gu. I love the problematic siblings and the worship couple. How rich, raw, realistic, believable, and just relatable characters they're playing. The cinematography, OST, rich dialogues, some funny antics, their struggles, and concerns in life were all surprisingly relatable! I can easily imagine myself experiencing and relate with their concerns, frustrations, doubts, fears and struggles in life. Funny how, whenever I see the worship couple, even though they lack skinship, and yet they make me giddy, excited and have butterflies in my stomach. I already prepared myself to cry like there's no tomorrow, when I watched the last episode. As I feel like Mr. Gu will end up dead, or already dead and that it's Mi Jeong's memory that were reminiscing. It's a good thing that I was wrong and that the ending is imperfectly imperfect for me. They were all liberated with all their concerns, frustrations, fears and doubts in life.
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melodramatic view into mind of adult working population
My Liberation Notes - 8.5/10 [above average] - kdramaI had been postponing watching this drama for a long time, mainly because the description on MDL didn't seem interesting to me.
Now I can finally share my opinion on this drama.
This drama follows the life of a family living on a farm outside Seoul. It explores their problems with work, friendships, human relationships, and their struggles to reconcile their great ambitions and youthful expectations with the mundane realities of daily life.
The whole drama serves as a mirror into the minds of people tired of troubles of daily life.
This drama is often compared to the kdrama My Mister, though I personally think it's a grade lower. Nevertheless, it's still a nice drama to watch.
Plot - The story follows three siblings as the main leads:
One brother who is angry at his poor life situation and aspires to be rich.
An older sister who wants to find a husband before she hits menopause.
A younger sister who is very introverted and feels suppressed at work. She meets a mysterious man who interests her.
Genre - Slice of life, melodrama, romance
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